All children deserve a home, a family to love them, and to feel that they belong.
Since 1896, we have been finding homes for West Virginia’s children—and the need for our services has never been greater. At this moment, there are more families in crisis and more kids in need of safe and stable homes than ever before.
With your help, we have the tools to care for every child—to make sure they have a safe place to rest their head at night and a family eager to greet them when they climb out of bed in the morning. Bringing all of these pieces together is not a simple task. It takes a village, a lot of heart, and some big imagination.

A Century of Lifetime Families
During the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year
18,661 children were served.
102 adoptions were celebrated.
524 children were provided foster care.
451 children were provided emergency shelter care.
Across the state, in every community.
With 13 primary offices and 28 physical locations, there are many ways to connect with us.

We Bring Families Together
Children of every age need the stability and support of a loving family, the security of having a safe and comfortable place to call home. Teens are no exception. By becoming a foster or adoptive parent to a teenager in need, you can open the door to a better future, meaningfully enriching their life as well as your own.

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