We are now accepting nominations for the 2024 Nancy Stuart Tonkin Advocacy Award. All nominations should be submitted by September 9, 2024.
About the Award
The Children’s Home Society of West Virginia Board of Directors is establishing the Nancy Stuart Tonkin Advocacy Award beginning in 2018 to annually honor an outstanding advocate(s) who: through leadership, determination and passion, has positively advanced the well-being of children and families in West Virginia. The recipient(s) will exemplify the qualities Nancy Tonkin demonstrated in her life-long professional and personal efforts as an advocate for the well-being of children in West Virginia. Advocacy, for purposes of this award, encompasses all of the means by which the child welfare system may be improved. One or more award winners will be selected annually and presented with a cash award of up to $1000 at the at the Children’s Home Society Annual Meeting in November of each year.
About the Honoree
Nancy Stuart Tonkin exemplified advocacy in her work with Children’s Home Society and others. Nancy was successful in all her roles at Children’s Home Society. She was an employee and used research to improve casework protocols. She was a Board Member, Board Chairperson, and Board Member Emeritus. Nancy was an effective recruiter of board members, supporters and volunteers. She was tireless in communicating the mission of CHS to the community and interpreting the community’s reaction. Nancy Chaired the Board of Directors during the 100-anniversary year. Nancy was responsible for linking Children’s Home Society with OMEGA and other organizations which resulted in millions of dollars of support for programs. Nancy lobbied for Children’s Home Society and other child welfare agencies and was successful in improving foster care payments allowing the Society to significantly expand their foster care program. She was trusted and effective advisor to the Children’s Home Society in all public policy matters. She was a strong advocate for permanency, child well-being and family support services.
About Children’s Home Society
Who We Are:
The Children’s Home Society of West Virginia is a private, non-profit child welfare organization founded in 1896. The Society is a participatory organization consisting of employees, foster families, adoptive families, volunteers, Board of Directors, Director Emeriti, advisory council members, donors, benefactors, supporters, and friends. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that is representative of the communities we serve from around the state. We are licensed to provide child welfare and behavioral health services in West Virginia. We are fully accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children. Comprehensive
child welfare, behavioral health, social casework, and advocacy provided services to 18,661 children and their families from our thirteen primary locations throughout the state. Some of our current programs are statewide adoption, foster care, emergency child shelter care, as well as in-home and in-community services for children and families, respite care, parent education and training, prenatal and early childhood services, volunteer and mentoring services, therapy services, school based social work, and comprehensive assessment services.
Our Basic Principles & Values:
Clients. We recognize the well-being of the children and families we serve is our first priority.
A sense of purpose. We are a mission driven organization.
Ethical standard. We honor commitments to clients, contributors, funding organizations and communities.
Collaboration. Meaningful partnerships with other organizations, government and communities are necessary to attain our mission.
Governance. The most important role of our governing board is to lead the organization into the future.
Use of resources. We are committed to obtaining and using in a cost-effective manner every available resource to benefit the children and families we serve.
Organizational performance. We strive to be a quality controlled, customer driven, team managed organization.
Diversity. Our efforts are strengthened and enhanced through the economic and cultural diversity of our clients, employees, contributors and friends.
Equity. Our policies, procedures, governance, and practice standards are reflective of our commitment to all races, gender identities, cultures, religions and socioeconomic status of our clients, employees, foster and adoptive families, volunteers, donors and supporters.
Inclusion. We promote an environment whereas all are respected and valued.
Permanency. We believe every child deserves a lifetime family, that permanency is possible for all children, and that the single most important thing that we can do to promote positive long-term outcomes for children is to connect them with stable and loving families.
Staff. We value and support our employees and recognize that caring, well trained, qualified and highly motivated personnel are critical to our success.
If you would like to nominate someone for the Nancy Stuart Tonkin Advocacy Award, either download the pdf packet below and complete the nomination form and return it to Dennis Sutton, at [email protected] or click on the link below and complete the form digitally.
PDF Packet
• Nancy Stuart Tonkin Nomination Packet 2024